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Specialty Coffee: the 3 Different Types of Specialty Coffee

For years, our friends at Cafés Lugat (the team of craft coffee roasters who share the MaxiCoffee premises with us) have been carefully selecting the very best specialty coffees, determined to bring you the most exceptional coffee beans sourced from the most famous coffee regions around the world. Whether you’re a coffee expert or a complete beginner, it’s good to know what defines a specialty coffee, just to make sure we know what we are talking about while drinking our coffee!

What is Specialty Coffee ?

A specialty coffee is a gourmet coffee, coffee beans that are free of defects, with traceable origins meaning that its quality can be precisely controlled and measured. Entering the world of specialty coffee is like taking a walk through the coffee bean plantations and experiencing the everyday lives of producers. The idea is to discover how the characteristics of the land and the expertise of the people working the land have an impact on the quality of their coffee. The richer the soils and the more masterful the growing techniques, the better your cup of coffee will taste!

A Closer Look at the Varieties of Specialty Coffee

varieties of specialty coffee

To help simplify things a little bit, specialty coffees can be put into different varieties. The way those varieties are defined follows the same principles used for wine. Just like wine, the concept of appellation (“designation of origin”) is used for coffee. It guarantees the origins and authenticity of the product. To qualify for a specific appellation, a wine must fulfill a whole list of standards regarding its production methods, treatment, and so on. It’s the same for Specialty Coffee! Specialty coffees can fall into one of three distinct certifications, or appellations:

Label Coffee

This is superior quality coffee that comes from a specific coffee growing region.

At the moment, 11 of the coffees offered by Cafés Lugat can be classified under this appellation. And new beans arrive all the time!

Are you partial to a fruity coffee? If so, try Moka Sidamo Marabou from Ethiopia. But if you prefer more intense, chocolatey coffees, then El Maya from Guatemala will be right up your street. If the thought of either of those is enough to get your mouth watering, check out the full range of Label Coffee available from MaxiCoffee!

Terroir Coffee

These are high quality coffees known for the particular qualities associated with their terroir (the local soil in where the coffee beans are grown).

Charlotte, champion barista of France in 2015 and 2016, goes crazy for the vanilla coffees from Nicaragua. Marco, a Cafés Lugat team member and runner-up to Charlotte in 2016, prefers the Moka Sidamo Marabou. And Lionel, Cafés Lugat’s very own pioneering roaster, is often singing the praises of La Esperanza from Colombia.

But as we always say, beauty is in the eye (and the mouth!) of the beholder. Our advice is to do your own testing, your own tasting, and your own choosing!


We’re finally arriving at the Holy Grail! Ladies and gentlemen… we give you the Microlot.

A Microlot coffee is a Terroir Coffee from a specific plot of land identified for its exceptional or specific method of preparation, and only available in limited quantities.

The most popular Microlot coffees include the Don Olman Marsellesa from Nicaragua, which stands out for its notes of Pralin, Cinnamon and Lime and is especially roasted for use as a filter coffee. Moka Guracho is another rare gem: a well-balanced coffee with a pleasant acidity, offering notes of green apple jam, lemon, currant and elderflower (100% Arabica Heirloom). Needless to say, there are plenty of other delights awaiting you at MaxiCoffee!

As you can see, specialty coffee offers a world of possibilities for its fans! From unique flavors to exclusive roasting methods, specialty coffee is a great option for those who are looking to explore the boundaries of their coffee palate and brewing. Next time you’re heading out for your daily cup of coffee, why not consider trying one of these special brews?

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